Friday, June 15, 2012

the state of things / introduction

Hello there.

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and express my intentions for this blog.

My name is swampmang, and I am an undergraduate computer science student currently living in Bozeman, MT.  I was hired to do research in environmental modeling here for the summer.  This is a particularly exciting opportunity for me for several reasons.  It allows me to experience working in new environments, with new objectives, and with new people.

These new experiences and interactions give me more information to make a better decision about the life and career I want to have, which is why I chose to leave my (better paying) job at home in Fort Collins, CO to do this.  I am also interested in environmental science, and this is giving me the opportunity to work in that field.

I will be using this blog primarily as a means for creative outlet, which I feel promotes good health.  I have not had the chance to write much code  or design software recently, which I feel are both very creative tasks.  Most of my work lately is taking measurements.  Being outside is nice, but the work itself leaves very little room for creativity.

So what will I be writing about?  I plan on writing about my experiences, posting pics from my travels, and reviewing products, systems, or ideas.

Good day to you.

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